Region Zealand has a unique geographical location connecting Scandinavia with Central Europe. Region Zealand is the gateway to Scandinavia!
The vision of Region Zealand is entitled ”The bridge builder”. The aim of the region is to build bridges between regions and countries. The goal is to enhance international business relations, attract foreign investments and create an attractive green business Region.
The vision illustrates the Region’s ambition to create the best possible framework for sustainable growth or business and for the citizens’ quality of life – through the location and through dialogue and knowledge sharing.
Region Zealand is a great place for doing business. Denmark is a country with strong traditions of democracy and openness, and always at the forefront within technology, science and sustainability.
Region Zealand is world leading in green transition – both in spirit and in practice. Companies in the region focus on areas like green transportation, upcycling/recycling, eco-buildings and renewable energy. The region is home to some of the world’s most advanced research facilities, making it a unique location to help shaping the future of green-tech and sustainable living.
Doing business in Region Zealand allows for a sustainable lifestyle and conduct of business. Denmark is a well-functioning welfare state and therefore, investing in the region is a smart long-term choice.
Massive investments have been placed in upgrading the infrastructure in and around Region Zealand, with the advent of the Fehmarn Belt tunnel.
Railway systems are modernized to accommodate high-speed trains that will travel from the northernmost part of Scandinavia to the rest of Europe.
The region is also undertaking massive improvements to its port and harbor systems to meet increasing commercial activities.
The infrastructure is also unique in a sense that motorways and highways, ports and harbors, and airports are well within reach in such a short distance around Region Zealand.